Become a BITINFO team member
Expand the scope of business with the online commerce platform

We design e-commerce websites to improve functionality, user experience, and leverage better sales opportunities. We do this by creating a web site that is easy to navigate, looks good and creative, because the first impression in e-commerce really matters.

We will show your e-commerce website as the best web shop on the Internet, enhancing your brand and digital presence, making it easier for users to access your products. Regardless of your industry, our team will design a web shop that attracts your customers.

Find out more - contact us

Web Shop

BITINFO d.o.o.

Kralja Tomislava 159, 88260 Čitluk, BiH
Tel: +387 36 656 539
Mob: +387 63 463 386
Email: [email protected]

Bitinfo web dizajn

Id.Br.: 4227688750007
PDV broj: 227688750007
Broj računa: 3381202247557718
IBAN: BA393381204847560753